Service Grid

01 Service

Solar Blade Module

Our solar blade panel features thin, lightweight design, 16 bypass diodes, bifacial, high efficiency, single-axis tracking capability, and clear frame for maximized bifacial side production.
02 Service

High Fidelity Solar Tracking Module

Our high fidelity solar tracking module offers high-efficiency bifacial cells and 0-360-degree rotation of TSO solar blades for optimal sun angle optimization.
03 Service

Wind Generators

Wind generators are devices that harness the power of wind to generate electricity.
04 Service

Solar PV Systems

A Solar PV (photovoltaic) system is a type of renewable energy system that generates electricity from sunlight.
05 Service

Solar Energy

Solar energy is a type of renewable energy that is generated from the sun's rays.
06 Service

Hybrid Energy

Hybrid energy refers to the use of multiple sources of energy to meet our energy needs.

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